Tag Archives: motivating others

Stop Sending Your Resume Into a Black Hole!

It actually takes more than a well-written resume to find employment today with such a competitive market. You need to have your resume work for you and be able to incorporate it into a larger strategic plan.


You simply need to structure a strategic plan that will help you use your resume to get the job you want. And no matter how good you think your resume is or how good you feel you are prepared in the job search, there is ALWAYS room for improvement.


The most commonly used resume strategy is to apply to online or via newspaper advertising, but that is not where all the opportunities for employment are at and it is an approach that most people follow.  This leave most job seekers with the least amount of results in securing a job offer.


By following this particular strategy you have allowed the most competitive people in the job market the best opportunity to get that job over you! AND this common overused strategy minimizes your opportunities for career advancement, career exploration and overall career development.


If you want to avoid putting all of your eggs in one basket and passively waiting to get a call back from the black hole, then contact Career Connections, inc. today to get a free resume critique from a certified professional resume writer and schedule a one hour coaching session at a discounted rate to review your job search strategy! Mention this blog for the discount when calling. 319-277-3125